Scriptures that never made it to the Bible

Much has been written about the lost books of the Bible, the truth is that they were never taken out, but that they never came in.
The Bible was compiled from the Jewish Holy Scriptures, at the founding of the Catholic Church, at the Council of Nicaea in 325. Several things happened at the meeting which was prompted by Emperor Constantine, he himself chose to become a Christian by being baptized, then appointed he himself to ‘Pontifix Maximus’, the highest priest, the Pope. The Pope still holds that title.
From pagan emperor to divine head of the newly minted Roman state religion. The scribes of the time were set to select which scriptures should be included in the newly proposed holy book, the one we know as the Bible.

From the beginning, the books we call Apocrypha were part of the collection of works that made up the Holy Bible. Later with the Reformation they were removed, Apocrypha means hidden and that is exactly what they became.
There is an ancient story in another Bible, the story started with the Queen of Sheba wanting to see the wisdom of King Solomon put into practice, because it was something that was talked about a thousand years before our time. So she came to Jerusalem to hear the wise man, and she was amazed. Therefore he got all the precious stones and pieces of gold which she had brought on twenty wagons.
Legend has it that Solomon gave her a set of copies of the holy scriptures of the Jews and that she returned home with a special gift that 9 months later became a Shebetan prince.
20 years later this prince came to visit his father, on that occasion he was given the Ark of the Covenant back to Sheba.
Some of the first Christians who fled the Roman persecution went to Sheba (modern day Ethiopia), they had copies of the Christian scriptures with them, far more than we have available today.
Therefore, the Etopian Bible is far more complete than the one we use in the Christian world.
So here I have tried to collect the books that are not a natural part of our Bible, but which were originally holy writings for the Jewish people.
WikiPedia names a lot of scriptures that didn’t make it to the Bible:

There is more to come…

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